For Authors


To submit your article to our journal, you are required to use our journal management system. You will be requested to copy-paste the relevant sections from your manuscript text at relevant locations systematically to ensure that the submission is complete.

You can access the system through our website, where the corresponding author can log in and submit the manuscript. If this is your first time submitting to our journal, you will need to create an account before you can proceed with the submission.

Accepted articles types:

1)     Original Research




Guidelines to be followed

ELEMENTS to be included

Original investigation

Observational Studies 


Title: Title of the article, the authors' names and affiliations and study design

Abstract: 250 words structured abstract -without references

Short Summary

What is already known by this study- Provide an overview of the existing scientific literature related to the topic of study, and explain why conducting the study was necessary.What this study adds-  The specific results and insights gained from the study which were previously unknown should be summarized, emphasizing their importance and contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge.

Graphical abstract (optional but recommended)- Graphical abstract should be a visual representation of the main findings of a research article. It should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should include images, graphs, and other visual aids.  

Video abstract (optional but recommended)- Authors should include a video abstract which is a dynamic and engaging way to communicate the key findings and concepts of your research paper. It should provide a brief summary of the main findings and concepts discussed in the paper. It should be visually engaging, with a clear and concise message that conveys the significance of the research.


Qualitative Research


Keywords: 5 to 10

Main text: 5000 words

Introduction: Background information on the topic and clearly state the research question or hypothesis being addressed.

Randomized trials


Methods: study design, data collection, and data analysis

Molecular Epidemiology


  • Results: The findings of the study in a clear and concise manner, using tables and figures to illustrate key data.

Genetic Risk Prediction Studies


Discussion: Interpretation of the results of the study and place them in the context of the broader literature.

Diagnostic/ Prognostic Studies


Conclusion: Summary of the key findings of the study and their implications for clinical practice or further research.

Economic evaluations


References:Provide a list of relevant references cited in the manuscript, using our references guidelines. 

Multivariable Prediction Model for Individual Prognosis Or Diagnosis 


Tables/Figures: no maximumAuthors: no maximum. ICMJE authorship criteria should be met for each author and author's contribution using CRediT should be followed.Data sharing statement

Quality Improvement Studies



Animal studies


Research Letter

Short,concise articles that report on novel, high-impact research findings that are of broad interest to the scientific community. Must adhere to all relevant guidelines as per the study type.


Word limit: 700 words

Title: Provide a brief, descriptive title that accurately reflects the content of the letter.No Abstract Introduction: State the purpose of the research letter and provide relevant background information.Methods: Describe the methods used to conduct the research, including any relevant details about the sample, procedures, and data analysis.Results: Summarize the key findings of the research in a clear and concise manner.Discussion: Discuss the implications of the findings and their potential significance. Consider any limitations of the study and future directions for research.Conclusion: Provide a brief summary of the main points and their significance.

2) Reviews





Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis


MOOSE- For reporting of meta-analyses of observational studies

Title: Title of the article, the authors' names and affiliations and mention “Systematic Review” or “Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” 

Registration: It is recommended to register your study with a recognized database, such as PROSPERO. 

Abstract: 250 words : Brief summary of the study, including the research question, methods used, main results, and conclusions. Also include the registration number and the date of registration.

Graphical abstract (optional but recommended)- Graphical abstract should be a visual representation of the main findings of a research article. It should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should include images, graphs, and other visual aids.  

Video abstract (optional but recommended)- Authors should include a video abstract which is a dynamic and engaging way to communicate the key findings and concepts of your research paper. It should provide a brief summary of the main findings and concepts discussed in the paper. It should be visually engaging, with a clear and concise message that conveys the significance of the research.

Keywords: 5 to 10

Main text: 5000 words

Introduction: a clear statement of the research question and objectives of the review.Methods: Detailed description of the search strategy, inclusion and exclusion criteria, and data extraction and synthesis methods used in the review. It should also describe any statistical methods used to analyze the data, such as meta-analysis.
    • Results: The main findings of the review in a clear and concise manner. This may include tables, figures, and graphs to aid in the presentation of the data.
    • Discussion: The discussion should interpret the results in the context of the existing literature, addressing any limitations of the study and suggesting areas for future research.
Conclusion: Summary of the key findings of the study and their implications for clinical practice or further research.References:Provide a list of relevant references cited in the manuscript, using our references guidelines. Tables/Figures: no maximumAuthors: no maximum.ICMJE criteria and authors contribution using CRediT should be followed.Data sharing statement

 Short Summary

What is already known by this study- Provide an overview of the existing scientific literature related to the topic of study, and explain why conducting the study was necessary.What this study adds-  The specific results and insights gained from the study which were previously unknown should be summarized, emphasizing their importance and contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge.

Narrative reviews


A narrative review is a type of literature review that provides a comprehensive summary of a topic by synthesizing and interpreting the available evidence. The primary aim of a narrative review is to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge on a particular topic, rather than a systematic and exhaustive analysis of all relevant studies.

Format for writing a narrative review:

Unstructured abstract (word limit-250 words)Include “a review" in the title and Clearly define the research question or topic of interestIntroduction, Methods, Discussions/ObservationsConclusions - Conclude with a summary of the main findings and implications for clinical practice or future researchReferences 

 Short Summary

What is already known by this study- Provide an overview of the existing scientific literature related to the topic of study, and explain why conducting the study was necessary.What this study adds- The specific results and insights gained from the study which were previously unknown should be summarized, emphasizing their importance and contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge.

Word limit: 4000 words.

Scoping reviews


A scoping review is a type of literature review that aims to identify and map the existing literature on a particular topic. The main purpose of a scoping review is to provide an overview of the breadth and depth of research on a topic, as well as to identify gaps in the existing literature that can be addressed in future studies. Scoping reviews are useful when a research question is broad or complex and there is a need to identify the scope of the literature, in order to inform future research.

 Short Summary

What is already known by this study- Provide an overview of the existing scientific literature related to the topic of study, and explain why conducting the study was necessary.What this study adds-  The specific results and insights gained from the study which were previously unknown should be summarized, emphasizing their importance and contribution to the existing body of scientific knowledge.

Word limit: 4000 words.

Other type of review articles (Umbrella review, Thematic review, etc) are also considered and shall follow relevant guidelines as per the EQUATOR Network and other standard checklists.



Editorials are usually written by the editor-in-chief or a member of the editorial board and are not peer-reviewed, typically used to express the opinion of the editor or editorial board of a publication on a particular issue or topic. These may include the launch of a new journal, a new section within the journal, a new editor-in-chief, and raising awareness about surgical approaches, or the latest research findings in a particular field of surgery.

Editorials should not include unpublished or original data, as they are not peer-reviewed and are not intended to present new research findings. Also, they should provide a conflict of interest statement to ensure transparency and to disclose any potential conflicts of interest.

A letter to the editor is typically written in response to an article or editorial that has been published in a medical journal and provide readers with an opportunity to share their opinions and perspectives on a particular topic, and they may serve to correct inaccuracies, challenge assumptions, or provide additional information or context to a previously published article. Researchers are requested to add a “Comment” directly on the article page if they have any feedback. If authors would like to provide an expert commentary or insights on a particular topic, they should submit their article as a Perspective piece. We rarely consider unsolicited Letter to Editor for publication.



Perspectives provide expert commentary and insights on a particular topic or issue in surgery. It is important to ensure that your perspective is well-researched and evidence-based. While perspectives may be more opinion-based than research articles, they still require a strong foundation in the existing literature and should be supported by credible sources. Hence, authors should include accurate citations and references to other authors' work. Original data should not be reported in a Perspective article. 

Word limit: 4000 words 


Health Policy Report 

Health Policy Report explores issues related to a wide range of topics, including healthcare reform, health insurance coverage, health disparities, healthcare quality, and healthcare access.

These articles might be original research, literature reviews, or commentary on current healthcare policy concerns, among other things. They could also contain analyses of current regulations or suggestions for additional regulations or initiatives.

Health Policy articles should include an introduction, methods, results, and discussion section, and should clearly outline the implications of the proposed policy or intervention for healthcare delivery and outcomes.

Word limit: 5000 words 



A hypothesis is a proposed explanation or prediction of a clinically important question that can be tested through empirical research. When formulating a hypothesis, it is important to consider previous research on the topic and to use sound reasoning and logic in developing the statement. A hypothesis should be specific, measurable, and relevant to the research question at hand.

Word limit: 5000 words 


Clinical Guidelines

Clinical guidelines are evidence-based recommendations that are developed by expert panels or organizations to assist healthcare providers in making informed decisions about patient care. These guidelines are based on the best available evidence from scientific research and clinical expertise, and are intended to standardize and optimize care for specific conditions or patient populations.

Format: The format and structure of clinical guidelines can vary depending on the organization or panel that develops them. There is no word limit or other constraint placed by Osler Press, thus the organization is entirely at liberty to decide how they wish to present the article.



Comments offer readers an opportunity to provide their thoughts, opinions, and perspectives on a particular topic, and they may serve to add new information, offer additional insights, or provide a different perspective on a published piece in the journal. 


Authors can directly comment on the article published in Osler Surgery. Comments should be brief and focused on a specific aspect of the article, and should be presented in a professional and respectful manner.

Disclaimer: While most comments will be posted if they are on-topic and not abusive, moderation decisions are subjective. Published comments are readers’ own views and The Business Standard does not endorse any of the readers’ comments.


Formatting guidelines



Non-standard abbreviations should be defined at their first occurrence in the text, and only be used consistently thereafter. This helps to ensure that readers can understand the meaning of the abbreviation. It is recommended to avoid using abbreviations in headings, abstracts, and other sections where the text needs to be clear and concise. Use the same abbreviation consistently throughout the text, and avoid using multiple abbreviations for the same term.


Word limit: 250 words

The structure of an abstract may vary slightly depending on the reporting guideline requirements mentioned above, but generally, the following elements should be included:

Graphical abstract (optional but recommended)

Graphical abstract should be a visual representation of the main findings of a research article. It should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should include images, graphs, and other visual aids.  

Guidelines for graphical abstract:


Video abstracts 

Video abstracts are a dynamic and engaging way to communicate the key findings and concepts of your research paper. It should provide a brief summary of the main findings and concepts discussed in the paper. It should be visually engaging, with a clear and concise message that conveys the significance of the research.

Creating a good video abstract:

Recommended video format guidelines for creating video abstracts:

How to submit?

Video abstracts can be submitted using our submission system where you can attach the youtube or vimeo link. Click the Insert video abstract button in the toolbar and insert the URL of the video into the designated field. 



Begin the introduction with a general statement or statement of interest that provides background information on the topic and captures the reader's attention.

Describe the context and background of the research question or problem being addressed. Clearly establish the relevance and importance of the research question or problem. State the objectives or hypotheses of the study. This provides a clear focus and direction for the research and helps the reader to understand what the study aims to achieve. 


Authors should ensure that they follow the reporting guidelines mentioned above according to the article type. 


Begin with a brief summary of the main findings of the study, highlighting any key results or trends. Provide descriptive statistics for any quantitative data, including measures of central tendency and variability. Use tables and figures to help organize and present the data in a clear and concise manner and avoid interpretation of the results in the results section. Report negative findings as well as positive findings, as this can help to prevent publication bias and provide a more complete picture of the study.

Discussion and conclusion:

Interpret the results of the study in the context of the study's research question or hypotheses and relate the findings of the study to the existing literature in the field. Identify any similarities or differences between the current study and previous research, and consider how the current findings contribute to the overall understanding of the topic.

Discuss the implications of the results for future research, practice, or policy. Also, discuss the limitations of the study, including any potential biases or sources of error.

Include brief conclusions based on the findings of the study, and consider any future directions for research.


Osler Press follows the Vancouver referencing style.


The reference list can include published or accepted manuscripts, as well as manuscripts on preprint servers that have a citable DOI. It is not recommended to cite unpublished work, unpublished data, retracted articles and personal communications in the reference list, unless necessary. 

Types of sources:


  1. Examples:

Journal article:

 [1] McCarthy PM, Nakatani S, Vargo R, Kottke-Marchant K, Harasaki H, James KB, et al. Structural and left ventricular histologic changes after implantable LVAD insertion. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery. 1995 Mar;59(3):609–13. 


[2] Murray CJ, Lopez AD. The global epidemiology of infectious diseases. Mathers CD, editor. Cambridge: Harvard University Press; 2004 Jan 1.


[3] World Health Organization. Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). WHO website. Published 2021. Accessed March 29, 2023.


Supplementary Files:

Include any additional information that may be useful, such as informed consent forms, questionnaires, or protocols for data collection or analysis. Specify the format and organization of the supplementary files.

Overall, ensure that the manuscript is written in clear and concise language, with a consistent style and formatting. Use the headings and subheadings recommended by relevant guidelines to ensure that all relevant information is included. 



Authors are required to acknowledge individuals who have made a significant contribution to the article, but did not qualify the authorship criteria. This may include individuals who provided technical assistance, laboratory or statistical support, or who helped with study design. Any use of artificial intelligence or writing tools also needs to be acknowledged. Obtain written permission from all individuals or organizations being acknowledged prior to publication.

Also, acknowledge any potential conflicts of interest or relationships that may have influenced the research or the writing of the article.



In the funding section of the article, all funding sources including grants, donations, and sponsorships should be explicitly and fully disclosed. The grant number should also be specified if applicable. 

The authors are required to specify the involvement of the funding organization or sponsor, if there is any, in various aspects of the study, including study design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, report writing, and submission of the paper for publication. In case the funding source did not play a role in any of these aspects, this should also be clearly mentioned. Authors are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest related to the funding sources.

Osler Press articles are published with open access and are subject to the Creative Commons attribution license 4.0. This means that the publication fulfills the open access requirements set forth by various institutions and funding bodies.

If the manuscript is published, funding information will be deposited to Funder Registry, a funder identification service from CrossRef. 



  1. Image resolution: Highest available quality figures should be uploaded. A minimum resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch) is recommended, with at least 300 pixels per inch.
  2. File format: Figures should be submitted in one of the following file formats: .PNG



  1. Color: Color figures are encouraged, but authors should ensure that the colors used are distinguishable in grayscale. Please avoid using color combinations that may be difficult to distinguish, such as red-green. 
  2. File Size: The individual figure files should not exceed 10 MB in size. If the figure is of extremely high quality and requires a larger file size, authors must contact the journal's editorial office to discuss alternative submission options.
  3. Labels and legends: All figures must be labeled and can include a legend. The legend should provide a brief description of the figure content and explain any abbreviations or symbols used. The system automatically assigns a number to all media items. Therefore, there is no need to add the number to the title.
  4. Font size: Text within figures should be legible at the size used in the published version of the manuscript. A font size of 10 points or larger is recommended.
  5. Figures with multiple panels: If a figure consists of multiple panels, each panel should be labeled with a lowercase letter in parentheses (e.g., (a), (b), (c), etc.).
  6. any excess white space around the image content should be cropped out to ensure that the figure is as clear and concise as possible. 
  7. Copyright: Authors must ensure that they have the appropriate permissions for any copyrighted material used in their figures.

The submission portal has a toolbar that allows you to add media to your article. This toolbar includes options to insert a figure, table, or video. Once you choose the desired option, you will be asked to upload the corresponding media file or paste the video URL. You will also need to provide a title and an optional legend.

To add a figure to your article, follow these steps:



  1. Each table should have a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the content of the table.
  2. The table should include headings for each column and row that provide context and clarify the meaning of the data. These headings should be clear and concise, and they should use terminology that is consistent with the rest of the article.
  3. Footnotes should be included to provide additional information about specific data points or to clarify any details that may be unclear from the table alone.
  4. All rows must contain data, and there should be no empty cells.
  5. It is important to note that the tables must be editable, meaning that they can be modified by the journal's typesetters if necessary. By creating tables as editable, cell-based objects, authors can ensure that their tables will be properly formatted and easy to read in the final published article.
  6. The top row of the table is considered the header row and will be bolded to distinguish it from the rest of the table.
  7. If the author cites a reference within a table, they must also include the full citation for that source in the references section of the article. 

To insert a table:



Supplementary files 

  1. Each supplementary file should be cited at an appropriate point in the main article and should be referred to clearly and accurately.
  2. Supplementary files should be submitted in the format in which they were created (e.g. PDF, JPEG, XLS, DOC etc.) and should be named clearly and descriptively.
  3. All supplementary files should be checked for accuracy and consistency before submission, and should be free of any errors or omissions, as they will be  published exactly as they are received. Please remove any tracked changes option before submitting the file.
  4. Supplementary files will be made available to readers as a separate download from the main article.


Manuscript Charges

There are no article processing charges of any kind for publication in Osler Surgery. There is no submission fee and no extra charges is levied on colour image publication. All the costs of publication, copyediting, human resource, infrastructure or any other charges are bore by the journal.

We believe that academic publishing should be accessible to all researchers, regardless of their financial situation. We are committed to providing a platform for high-quality research to be published and shared with the broader scientific community, without imposing financial barriers.

We hope that by eliminating financial barriers, we can encourage a diverse range of researchers to submit their work to our journal and contribute to the advancement of scientific knowledge.

However, please note that as we continue to grow and expand our services, we may need to revisit our manuscript charges policy in the future. We will always strive to keep fees as low as possible and provide waivers whenever possible, and any changes to our policy will be communicated transparently to our authors.

Osler Press will continue to provide waivers for the full Article Processing Charge (100% discount of the APC) where all authors are based in low-income countries. This pertains to writers from nations categorized by the World Bank as having low income economies, as well as those who are part of HINARI (Health InterNetwork Access to Research Initiative). 

Press release

In case an institution or funder of one or more of the authors plans to prepare and release a press release, authors should contact the editorial board and adhere to the following guidelines:

If Osler Press decides to issue a press release for an article, the author(s) will usually be notified in advance and given the opportunity to provide input and feedback on the content of the release. The author(s) will also be asked to review a draft of the release before it is finalized and shared with the media. This helps to ensure that the release accurately reflects the findings of the article and that any potential misinterpretations or errors are corrected before the release is distributed. It also allows the author(s) to provide any additional context or information that they feel is important for the media and the public to understand.


As a newly starting journal, we may not have an established impact factor or indexing at this time, but we are actively working towards these goals and hope that authors will join us on this journey. By publishing with us, authors have the opportunity to be part of a growing and dynamic community of scholars, and to contribute to the development of a promising new journal.