
Current IssueVol 1, No 1 (2023): Inaugral issue

Published August 4, 2023

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Osler Case Reports is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that focuses on disseminating high-quality case reports, case series across all fields of medicine, surgery and other specialties and original research relating to case reports.This journal is dedicated to providing a platform for clinicians and researchers to share their unique experiences and findings with the broader medical community. In addition to publishing original case reports and case series, the journal also hosts a range of multimedia content, including clinical videos and images to enhance the educational value of the articles published.

The focus of the journal is on publishing exceptional case reports and case series that have the potential to provide novel insights into rare or atypical medical conditions, innovative diagnostic or therapeutic approaches, and unique patient experiences.


Our mission is to break down barriers to information sharing and make all our journals open-access  and to disseminate high-quality scientific research and knowledge.  

We aim to promote the free exchange of ideas, methods, and findings, recognizing that breakthroughs in medicine often arise from the integration of different fields and specialties.